How to cite:
Retnaningsih, W et al. (2024). The Effects of Mulligan Technique and Ul-
trasound on Pain and Functional Ability in Shoulder Impingement Con-
dition at EMC Sentul Hospital. Journal Eduvest. 4 (1): 202-210
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4 Number 01, January, 2024
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Widiani Retnaningsih
, Yuli Peristiowati
, Nurwijayanti
Program Studi Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, IIK Strada Indonesia
Email: aningwied[email protected]m
The shoulder joint is a highly mobile joint that is prone to injuries. Shoulder impingement is
a painful shoulder condition caused by injuries to the structures in the subacromial space.
Symptoms include pain, disruptions in daily activities, and a decrease in the range of motion
of the joint. The research aims to analyze the effects of the Mulligan Technique and Ultra-
sound on pain and functional ability in shoulder impingement conditions at EMC Sentul Hos-
pital. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test con-
trol groups. Thirty participants were divided into two groups: an intervention group receiv-
ing the Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound (15 participants) and a control group receiving
TENS and conventional exercise therapy (15 participants). Each participant underwent six
sessions per week, twice a week. Before and after the treatment, each participant's pain
level was measured using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), and functional ability was as-
sessed using the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI). The analysis of the data showed
that both treatments in the two groups reduced pain and improved functional ability in
shoulder impingement conditions. However, there was a significant difference in the group
receiving the Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound, with an average pain reduction from 6.6
NRS to 1.3 NRS and an increase in functional ability from 62.6% to 11.85%. In contrast, the
group receiving TENS and conventional exercise therapy showed an average pain reduction
from 3.6 NRS to 6.13 NRS and an increase in functional ability from 61.3% to 40.2%. In con-
clusion, the study suggests that the application of the Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound
is more effective in reducing pain and improving functional ability compared to TENS and
conventional exercise therapy in shoulder impingement conditions.
Shoulder impingement, Technical Mulligan, Mobilization with Movement,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
Shoulder Impingement is a complaint in the shoulder joint that occurs due to
injury to the structures in the subacromial space, including rotator cuff tendinosis,
bursitis, and partial tear of the rotator cuff tendon. Symptoms include pain, func-
tional impairment, and decreased range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder joint, re-
sulting in the inability to perform daily and other functional activities (Steuri et al.,
2017). Physiotherapy intervention is widely recommended as an alternative option
for managing shoulder pain complaints. Physiotherapy interventions such as ma-
nipulation and manual therapy are effective in improving shoulder joint range of
motion and reducing pain. Recommended manual therapy and manipulation tech-
niques include high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation, end-range mobilization,
mid-range mobilization, and mobilization with movement (Doner et al., 2013). Mo-
bilization with movement is one of the Mulligan techniques based on the analysis
and correction of minor positional faults in the joint caused by soft tissue lesions,
resulting in limited physiological movement (ROM) (Lirio Romero et al., 2015).
Manual therapy combined with electrotherapeutic modalities such as Ultrasound is
recommended to assist in tissue healing and regeneration, reduce pain, and increase
ROM (Analan et al., 2015). Shoulder pain conditions, including musculoskeletal
disorders, are frequently encountered in the Physiotherapy outpatient clinic of EMC
Sentul Hospital. However, the success of therapy in this condition is still considered
insufficient due to the variety of intervention choices. Most patients present with
complaints of pain when raising their arms, difficulty in dressing and toileting ac-
tivities, and even disruption of sleep patterns due to pain. The aim of this study is
to analyze the influence of Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound on pain and func-
tional ability in shoulder impingement conditions.
The research design is quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test control
group design. Respondents are divided into 2 groups: the intervention group and
the control group. The population in this study consists of patients who come to the
physiotherapy clinic at EMC Sentul Hospital with complaints of shoulder pain.
Sample selection is done randomly with simple random sampling that meets the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample size is 30 respondents determined
based on the Federer formula. The sample is divided into 2 groups: the intervention
group with 15 respondents receiving the Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound, and
the control group with 15 respondents receiving TENS and conventional exercise
The research is conducted at the physiotherapy clinic of EMC Sentul Hospital
from August 14, 2023, to September 30, 2023. In the initial stage, each respondent
undergoes a pre-test, which includes measuring the degree of pain with NRS and
measuring functional ability with SPADI (Shoulder Pain and Disability Index) in
both the intervention and control groups. Treatment in each group is provided for 6
sessions with a frequency of twice a week. Then, at the end of the study, a post-test
Widiani Retnaningsih, Yuli Peristiowati, Nurwijayanti
The Effects of Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound on Pain and Functional Ability in
Shoulder Impingement Condition at EMC Sentul Hospital
is conducted, which involves measuring again with the same parameters. Data col-
lection procedure: each respondent undergoes anamnesis to determine the medical
history, physical examination: specific tests such as Hawkin test, Neer test, and fill-
ing out SPADI and NRS questionnaires.
After collecting data, the degree of pain and functional ability values of each
respondent from both groups are analyzed using IBM SPSS version 25:
1. Descriptive and respondent characteristics: age, gender, duration of com-
plaint, and degree of pain and functional ability with mean, median, and
standard deviation.
2. Homogeneity test with Levene Test to determine if the sample from the pop-
ulation has homogeneous variances with a result of p > 0.05.
3. Hypothesis testing with paired two-sample t-test to assess the effect of pre
and post-test treatment in both groups (p < 0.05) and Independent two-sample
T-test to compare the difference in degree of pain and functional ability before
and after treatment (p < 0.05).
Descriptive statistics and characteristics of respondents
Descriptive respondents by gender
Table 1. Descriptive respondents by gender
All respondents from both groups, more female respondents (60%) than men
Descriptive respondents by age
Table 2. Descriptive respondents by age
n = 30
n = 100%
Age Category
19 30 year
31 40 year
41 50 year
51 60 year
n = 30
n = 100%
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
From the table of age groups of respondents with the most shoulder
impingement complaints in the age range of 41 50 years (40%).
Descriptive old complaints
Table 3. Descriptive respondents based on the length of the complaint
Respondents with the most shoulder impingement with a complaint length of
less than 1 month, as many as 16 respondents (53.3%)
Average degree of pain of respondents before treatment
Tabel 4. Derajat nyeri rata-rata responden sebelum perlakuan
Median Std Deviation
Intervention (n =15)
7 1,502
Control (n=15)
6 1,060
Based on the data above, the average pain picture of respondents before
treatment in the intervention group was 6.60 on the NRS scale. While in the control
group, the average degree of pain of respondents was 6.13 on the NRS scale.
The average degree of pain of respondents after treatment
Table 5. The average degree of pain of respondents after treatment
Median Std Deviation
Intervention (n =15)
1 0,488
Control (n=15)
4 0,507
Based on the table above, the average degree of pain of respondents after
treatment in the intervention group dropped to 1.3 on the NRS scale, while in the
control group it dropped to 3.6 on the NRS scale.
Average functional ability of respondents before treatment
Table 6. Average Functional Ability of Respondents Before Treatment
Median Std Deviation
Intervention (n =15)
62 10,857
Control (n = 15 )
61,5 9,73
The table above illustrates the average condition of respondents' functional
ability in the intervention group before treatment of 62.6%, while in the control
group the average functional ability of respondents was 63.8% on the SPADI scale.
Average functional ability of respondents after treatment
Table 7. Average Functional Ability of respondents after treatment
Median Std Deviation
Intervention (n =15)
7,0 17,83
Control (n = 15 )
42 4,91
Length of Complaint
< 1 month
1 - < 3 month
y ≥ 3 month
n = 30
n = 100%
Widiani Retnaningsih, Yuli Peristiowati, Nurwijayanti
The Effects of Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound on Pain and Functional Ability in
Shoulder Impingement Condition at EMC Sentul Hospital
Based on the table above, an overview of the average functional ability of
respondents after treatment from the intervention group was 11.8% on the SPADI
scale. While in the control group it was 40.2% on the SPADI scale.
1. Homogeneity Test
Table 8. Levene Test
Post Test
Functional Ability
From the Levene test it was found that the p - level test value of each group
obtained a p value of > 0.05, so it can be interpreted that the sample comes from a
population with homogeneous variance (similiar).
2. Hypothesis Test
Table 9. Paired two-sample t-test
Pain ( sig )
Pre test Post
Functional Ability (sig)
Pre Test Post test
0,000 0,000
0,000 0,000
0,000 0,000
0,000 0,000
From the hypothesis test with the T Test of two paired samples of sig values
from both groups of 0.000 each, which means a p value of < 0.05, the treatment
given has an influence on the pain and functional ability of each group.
Table 10. Independent Two Sample T Test
(Mulligan &; Ultrasound
(TENS & Conventional
Training Therapy )
Functional Ability
From the results of the comparison test above, there are differences in the
effect of the treatment given, that the administration of Mulligan Technique and
Ultrasound is more significant in reducing pain compared to the administration of
TENS and conventional exercise therapy.
Analyzing the degree of pain in shoulder impingement conditions before
and after administration of Mulligan and Ultrasound Techniques
Based on the results of statistical tests using the T test of two paired samples,
the results of a sig value of 0.000 from both groups (p value < 0.05) this means
that the treatment in the intervention group and the control group has an influence
on pain in the condition of shoulder impingement. Meanwhile, based on the T test
of two independent samples to test the difference in the effect of treatment on pain,
a sig result of 0.000 (p value < 0.05) means that there is a difference in average pain
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
between the control group and the intervention group, where the Mulligan
Technique and Ultrasound are more meaningful and effective in reducing pain
compared to the administration of TENS and conventional exercise therapy in
shoulder impingement conditions.
Based on descriptive data, the average decrease in respondents' pain degrees
in the intervention group was significant, which was 1.3 on the NRS scale from
before treatment by 6.6 on the NRS scale. Pain pathology occurs due to stimulation
of nociceptors (pain receptors) that deliver pain signals to the brain (Bahrudin,
2018). In the condition of shoulder impingement, stimulation of the nociceptor
occurs due to lesions / injuries to the shoulder. These injuries/lesions occur due to
incorrect positioning when lifting items, injuries due to sports, or repetitive
overhead activities. The Mulligan technique (mobilization with movement) can
reduce pain, because according to (Dharmawan et al., 2018) repetitive
movements mobilization with movement (MWM) will stimulate mecanorspetor so
that it can inhibit pain stimuli in nociceptive.
In addition, repeated MWM movements allow changing anti-inflammatory
mediators so as to inhibit pain nociceptors. In addition, based on research (Lirio
Romero et al., 2015), the provision of mobilization with movement (MWM) can
restore minor position faults of the shoulder joint by performing specific techniques
in the form of gliding manually, so that the maneuver can reduce pain and increase
joint mobility. Mobilization in peripheral joints produces hypoalgesion and
excitation simultaneously in the motor system and parasympathetic system.(Lirio
Romero et al., 2015). What is meant by Minor position fault in shoulder
impingement conditions is a change in the gap in the subacromial space that occurs
due to mechanical trauma from the subacromial bursa located in the antero-inferior
part of the acromion and clamping occurs when the shoulder joint moves flexion
and internal rotation (Dharmawan et al., 2018). It can be assumed that the
administration of the Mulligan Technique (mobilization with movement / MWM)
for 6x, will gradually be able to restore the minor position fault that occurs, so that
if the minor position fault has been corrected, it will be able to reduce pain and
improve the patient's functional ability.
In addition, ultrasound can help reduce pain, this is in accordance with studies
that say that the physiological effects of ultrasound administration are to improve
local blood circulation, increase vascular permeability, increase local metabolism
of tissues so as to reduce muscle pain and spasm.(Gürsel et al., 2004). In addition,
the effects of ultrasound can increase the speed of conduction of sensory and motor
nerves, which can increase the excitatory threshold for pain. Ultrasound in this
condition is given for 8 minutes with an intensity of 1.5w/cm2. After being given
ultrasound, the Mulligan technique is carried out, with mobilization with movement,
that is, the physiotherapist performs a manual technique in the direction of
dorsolateral gliding in the patient's humeral caput, while the patient moves the
shoulder in the direction of flexion (in the sagittal plane), and the physiotherapist
Widiani Retnaningsih, Yuli Peristiowati, Nurwijayanti
The Effects of Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound on Pain and Functional Ability in
Shoulder Impingement Condition at EMC Sentul Hospital
still maintains the direction of the dorsolateral gliding movement force vector
that, while following the patient's shoulder flexion movements.
This movement is carried out in 3 sets with 10x reps interspersed with breaks
of about 30' in each set. the combination of Mulligan technique and ultrasound has
a positive effect in reducing pain compared to TENS and conventional exercise
therapy in shoulder impingement conditions at EMC Sentul Hospital. Where with
the administration of Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound, respondents' pain
dropped significantly.
Analyzing functional ability in shoulder impingement conditions before
and after Mulligan and Ultrasound Techniques
Based on the results of statistical tests using the T test of two paired samples
to analyze functional ability in shoulder impingement conditions in both groups,
the results of sig values of 0.000 or p value < 0.05 were obtained, this means that
the treatment in both groups had an effect in improving functional ability in
shoulder impingement conditions . Meanwhile, from the results of the T test
analysis of two independent samples to compare the difference in the effect of each
treatment on the functional ability of the two groups, a sig value of 0.000 or p value
of < 0.05 was obtained, this means that there is a difference in the effect of
Mulligan and Ultrasound Techniques compared to the administration of TENS and
conventional exercise therapy.
Based on descriptive data, the average functional ability of respondents from
the intervention group before treatment was 62.6% and after treatment was 11.85%.
On average, respondents in the intervention group after receiving treatment,
experienced low shoulder disability with functional ability to carry out activities
that were still good and independent. While in the control group the average
functional ability of respondents before treatment was 61.3% and after treatment
was 40.2%, which means that the average respondents in the control group
experienced moderate shoulder disability, with slightly limited functional ability,
but still able to do most daily activities.
The increase in the average functional ability of respondents with the
provision of the Mulligan Technique, according to (Dharmawan et al., 2018) is
influenced by several aspects, namely biomechanical aspects where there is a
correction of minor position faults in the shoulder joint. MWM movements that are
done repeatedly will correct the position error, so that joint mobility increases. In
addition, in terms of arthrokinematics, there is a proprioceptive repair of the joint
and an improvement in the physiological motion of roll glide in the glenohumeral
joint. In addition, based on the thermal effect of ultrasound, which increases the
colagen extensibility of tendons, joint capsules and connective tissue scars,
stretching exercises will be more effective.
From the results of data analysis tests and descriptive data, that the
administration of Mulligan and Ultrasound Techniques is more effective than the
administration of TENS and conventional exercise therapy in improving functional
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
abilities in shoulder impingement conditions. The Mulligan Technique will affect
the mechanical changes of the joints with intraarticular repositioning so as to reduce
pain and increase the range of motion of the shoulder joint. While the administration
of ultrasound in addition to its physiological effects, the thermal effects of
ultrasound can help the process of tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and
reduce muscle stiffness.
Based on the analysis of the data conducted and the study of existing theories,
it can be concluded that: 1. Mulligan technique combined with ultrasound is
effective in reducing pain in shoulder impingement conditions at EMC Sentul
Hospital. 2. Mulligan technique combined with ultrasound shows improved
functional ability that has a positive impact on patients with shoulder impingement
conditions at EMC Sentul Hospital, so that patients are able to carry out daily
activities independently better.
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Baik Daripada Kombinasi Caudal Traction Dan Scapular Stability Exercise
Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Fungsional Pada External Shoulder
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Gürsel, Y. K., Ulus, Y., Bilgiç, A., Dinçer, G., & Van Der Heijden, G. J. M. G.
(2004). Adding Ultrasound in the Management of Soft Tissue Disorders of the
Shoulder: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Physical Therapy, 84(4),
Lirio Romero, C., Torres Lacomba, M., Castilla Montoro, Y., Prieto Merino, D.,
Pacheco da Costa, S., Velasco Marchante, M. J., & Bodes Pardo, G. (2015).
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Steuri, R., Sattelmayer, M., Elsig, S., Kolly, C., Tal, A., Taeymans, J., & Hilfiker,
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manual therapy and medical management in adults with shoulder
Widiani Retnaningsih, Yuli Peristiowati, Nurwijayanti
The Effects of Mulligan Technique and Ultrasound on Pain and Functional Ability in
Shoulder Impingement Condition at EMC Sentul Hospital
impingement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(18), 13401347.
Analan, P. D., Leblebici, B., & Adam, M. (2015). Effects of therapeutic ultrasound
and exercise on pain, function, and isokinetic shoulder rotator strength of
patients with rotator cuff disease. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(10),
Bahrudin, M. (2018). Patofisiologi Nyeri (Pain). Saintika Medika, 13(1), 7.
Dharmawan, P. K., Tirtayasa, K., -, W., Ngurah, I. B., Sandi, I. N., -, S., & -, S.
(2018). Kombinasi Caudal Traction Dan Mobilization With Movement Lebih
Baik Daripada Kombinasi Caudal Traction Dan Scapular Stability Exercise
Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Fungsional Pada External Shoulder
Impingement Syndrome. Sport and Fitness Journal, 6(2), 3850.
Doner, G., Guven, Z., Atalay, A., & Celiker, R. (2013). Evaluation of mulligan’s
technique for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Journal of Rehabilitation
Medicine, 45(1), 8791.
Gürsel, Y. K., Ulus, Y., Bilgiç, A., Dinçer, G., & Van Der Heijden, G. J. M. G.
(2004). Adding Ultrasound in the Management of Soft Tissue Disorders of the
Shoulder: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Physical Therapy, 84(4),
Lirio Romero, C., Torres Lacomba, M., Castilla Montoro, Y., Prieto Merino, D.,
Pacheco da Costa, S., Velasco Marchante, M. J., & Bodes Pardo, G. (2015).
Mobilization With Movement for Shoulder Dysfunction in Older Adults: A
Pilot Trial. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 14(4), 249258.
Steuri, R., Sattelmayer, M., Elsig, S., Kolly, C., Tal, A., Taeymans, J., & Hilfiker,
R. (2017). Effectiveness of conservative interventions including exercise,
manual therapy and medical management in adults with shoulder
impingement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(18), 13401347.