How to cite:
Tandi, A et (2024). Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope
of Tanralili Subdistrict Government, Maros Regency. Journal Eduvest. 4
(1): 183-201
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4 Number 01, January, 2024
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Asrin Tandi
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Indonesia
This research aims to analyze employee work motivation, focusing on physiological, safety,
social, esteem, and self-actualization needs within Tanralili Subdistrict Government, Maros
Regency. The study utilizes a qualitative descriptive analysis approach, collecting data from
primary and secondary sources through observation, informant interviews, and
documentation. Data analysis involves qualitative descriptive analysis, comprising data
collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. Findings reveal that employee
motivation stems from their work activities in providing administrative services. Motivation
efforts aim to enhance performance, with Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory guiding
motivation strategies, including: a) Addressing physiological needs through break time
provision, position-based allowances, and incentives. b) Implementing safety needs via
standard facilities, tools, and health benefits. c) Fulfilling social needs through community
service, fostering employee relationships, and promoting positive community interactions.
d) Realizing esteem needs through attention, recognition, and timely appreciation. e)
Achieving self-actualization needs through study leaves, skill enhancement, and technology
mastery opportunities. These strategies contribute to improved employee performance,
emphasizing the importance of motivation in organizational effectiveness.
Motivation, Performance and Employees
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
The government has established various rules and policies to serve as a legal
basis for actions and conduct in order to avoid negative impacts in the workplace.
In Law No. 43 of 1999 concerning Civil Service Regulations and Procedures for
Managing the Salaries of Civil Servants at the Central and Regional Levels, it is
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
stated that civil servants are servants of the state and public servants. Based on this
legal basis, every civil servant strives to perform their duties and functions well in
order to realize a clean and authoritative government. Specifically, within the scope
of the Tanralili Subdistrict Government in Maros Regency, it is evident that this
institution has its main tasks and functions, which involve providing good services
to the community in line with the organization's vision, mission, and goals, accord-
ing to the strategies and policies applied in the institution.
The results of observations and surveys conducted by the researcher within
the Tanralili Subdistrict Government in Maros Regency indicate that the policy of
providing motivation by the leadership to its subordinates in the execution of their
duties and functions has not been implemented optimally to enhance the work mo-
tivation of its employees. In any institution, work motivation is crucial to implement
and enhance because, without it, complaints, suggestions, and various criticisms
about the leadership's policies may arise, hindering the smooth execution of daily
work activities. The core of the concerns expressed by employees in facing their
daily work activities is the lack of motivation based on the hierarchy of needs. Hi-
erarchy of needs motivation is essential for every individual in facing their daily
work activities (Amni, 2023; I. I. Anggraini, 2023; Berliana & Martini, 2023).
Motivational needs related to a sense of comfort and safety have not received
attention, particularly when faced with a very high level of work risk, using elec-
tronic tools and equipment that can jeopardize health and occupational safety. For
example, the need for a sense of safety involves the availability of work tools, a
pleasant working environment, and conditions free from unexpected events. Infor-
mation obtained by the researcher at the research site indicates that every employee
wants their need for appreciation for the work done to be fulfilled as motivation in
providing services, such as recognition, praise, awards, and respect for what has
been achieved in achieving organizational goals, serving as a form of power, ego,
job promotion, and status symbol. Additionally, employees desire the fulfillment of
their self-actualization needs. For instance, self-actualization is demonstrated by
employees' desire to improve their competence, advance their career and education,
acquire new skills, actualize work experience, and master work technology. These
forms of self-actualization are applied in completing challenging assignments, en-
gaging in creative work, and developing work skills.
This research focuses on the analysis of work motivation factors for employ-
ees based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, ranging from the lowest to the highest
needs, including physiological needs, security and safety needs, social needs, needs
for recognition, and the need for self-actualization. These factors significantly in-
fluence individuals to be motivated in carrying out their daily work activities to
achieve organizational goals (Robbins, 2001:210). The goal of this research is to
analyze employee work motivation, which consists of fulfilling physiological needs,
security and safety needs, social needs, needs for recognition, and self-actualization
needs within the Tanralili Subdistrict Government in Maros Regency.
Literature Review
Motivation, according to the Indonesian Dictionary (1995:665), is the drive
that arises within a person, whether consciously or unconsciously, to perform an
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
action with a specific purpose. The term "motivation" is derived from "mover,"
meaning "impetus or driving force." This concept is particularly relevant in the con-
text of human interaction, especially in relation to subordinates or followers. The
focus of motivation is on how to stimulate the work enthusiasm of subordinates so
that they willingly work diligently, utilizing all their abilities and skills to achieve
organizational goals.
Robbins (1999:50) formulates motivation as the willingness to exert high ef-
fort to achieve organizational goals, influenced by the ability and effort to meet
individual needs in line with the results achieved. Motivational theories are gener-
ally divided into need-based approaches, such as Maslow's theory, further devel-
oped by Alderfer, McClelland, and Herzberg. Kertonegoro (1994) asserts that hu-
man needs never cease, and the satisfaction of one need can trigger the emergence
of other needs, driving the motivation process continuously.
Maslow presents the concept that fulfilled needs will lead to the emergence
of the next need, which becomes dominant after the previous need is satisfied.
Handoko (2004:76) identifies three specific conditions that trigger motivation:
when someone starts a new job, begins a new task, or when a worker's enthusiasm
declines. Motivation will not arise without the existence of needs or satisfaction.
McClelland highlights three primary motivations: Achievement (need for achieve-
ment), Power (need for power), and Affiliation (need for affiliation). Achievement
motivates continuous improvement, Power motivates influence over others, while
Affiliation emphasizes the desire to interact and join with others.
Siagian (2002:102) defines motivation as the drive to contribute as much as
possible for the organization's success. Maslow's view states that the concept of
hierarchy of needs consists of two fundamental principles: human needs are ar-
ranged in a hierarchy, and a satisfied need will cease to be the primary motivator of
behavior. Martoyo (1992:95) notes that physiological needs motivation involves
incentives and compensation to fulfill the basic needs of individuals or their fami-
lies. The fulfillment of physiological needs is given significant emphasis in policies
aimed at increasing income and individual welfare. The need for safety, according
to Sastrohadiwiryo (2001:25), creates a safe working condition for every employee.
Assurance of safety and security, as expressed by Jack (2003:69), is necessary for
work activities to be enjoyed effectively. Social needs emphasize the importance of
interaction between leaders, subordinates, and peers in achieving harmony, cohe-
sion, and good communication in the workplace (Sanderson, 2003:187).
Motivation for physiological needs, as an application of motivational theory,
involves providing incentives and compensation to fulfill basic needs (Indrawanto,
2000:19). The concept of self-actualization, developed by Kurtz (2004:10), asserts
that self-actualization is a central motivation in individual work activities. Research
by Rosali Andi Liong (2002) and Hariwa (2010) highlights the influence of factors
such as well-being, education, training, compensation, motivation, work environ-
ment, and leadership on employee performance in the context of public service.
This provides a brief overview of various perspectives and motivation theories that
form the basis for understanding the factors influencing individual behavior and
performance in an organizational context.
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
The factors of work motivation, directly or indirectly, become a necessity for
every employee to desire and obtain motivation in facing work dynamics that de-
mand the provision of the best service, as illustrated more clearly in the framework
Figure 3. Frame of Mind
The type of research conducted is qualitative descriptive research. The pur-
pose of this research is to comprehensively analyze the factors motivating employ-
ees within the scope of the Tanralili Subdistrict Government in Maros Regency.
The research was conducted in Tanralili Subdistrict, Maros Regency, and the loca-
tion was chosen to facilitate the researcher academically in obtaining both primary
and secondary data through interviews with informants. The data collection meth-
ods used in this research are as follows:
1. Observation: Observation is a data collection technique based on direct ob-
servation related to the research method and objectives.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
2. Interviews: Interviews are a data collection technique conducted directly
through dialogue and asking a series of questions to obtain information from
selected informants in gathering relevant information for the research to be
conducted within the scope of the Tanralili Subdistrict Government in Ma-
ros Regency. Interviews were conducted with 5 (five) employees within the
Tanralili Subdistrict Government in Maros Regency, who were chosen as
Sub-district Secretary's Staff
Head of the Order and Public Safety Section
Head of the Social Welfare Section
Head of the Governance Section
Head of the Economic and Development Section
3. Documentation: Documentation is a data collection technique involving
the recording of information from documents present at the research loca-
4. Data Analysis Technique: Data analysis is carried out through the stages
of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data reduc-
tion is a process to sharpen, classify, direct, simplify, and eliminate unnec-
essary elements. Data presentation is the process of arranging and present-
ing information obtained from various sources of information, drawing con-
clusions from the research results obtained. In line with the descriptive na-
ture of this research and the qualitative method used, primary data is pre-
sented narratively, supported by secondary data. Data analysis in this re-
search is descriptive, meaning analyzing data by describing and interpreting
the collected data.
Descriptive statistics and characteristics of respondents
Descriptive respondents by gender
Table 1. Descriptive respondents by gender
Tanralili District is one of sixteen (16) sub-districts in Maros Regency. This
sub-district has a very important role in realizing the vision and mission of regional
development that leads to nation building, because the sub-district is an institution
that is in direct contact with the community. Tanralili District is a district that is
quite strategic in supporting the general tasks of government for community
development. The existence of human resources in this case civil servants within
the scope of the Tanralili District Government, Maros Regency is as follows:
n = 30
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
Table 2. Data on the Existence of Human Resources in the Scope of the Tanralili
District Government, Maros Regency in 2023
Human Resources
Number (People)
Source : Processed Data, 2023
The organizational structure of the Tanralili Subdistrict Office of Maros
Regency consists of the Sub-District, Sub-District Secretary, Government Section,
Economic and Development Section, Public Peace and Order Section, Social
Welfare Section, and Functional Position Group (Rohmah & Rahman, 2023).
Officer Work Motivation
The benchmark of a success in increasing work motivation can be seen from
the achievement of the realization of work results from the set targets. Success in
achieving realization is a manifestation that employees have tried to carry out their
main duties and functions optimally, which is a community assessment for the
institution in this case within the scope of the Tanralili District Government of
Maros Regency, as well as a reference and guideline for leaders in seeing the
outcome of providing work motivation to employees whether it has a positive /
beneficial impact or a negative / unfavorable impact in order to provide
encouragement, support and stimulation to employees to carry out their main duties
and functions correctly and properly (Tikupadang &; Tandi, 2022). The data on
community service activities based on motivation factors within the scope of the
Tanralili District Government of Maros Regency for five years (2018 - 2023) are
as follows:
Data 3. Table of Community Service Activities Based on Employee Work
Motivation Factors in the Government Scope of Tanralili District, Maros Regency
(January - December 2023 (people)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
Source : Processed Data, 2023
Based on the table above, it can be seen that since January community
services have been 5 people, which increased in February by 7 people. The increase
continued in March to 10 people until in May the number remained at 10 people.
While June decreased to 8 people. In July it increased to 15 people, and continued
to increase to 20 people in August, the decrease occurred again in September to
October to 5 people and in November there were 6 people until December
experienced a decrease to 4 people. Forms of community service activities in the
form of requests for services for the management of Identity Cards, Family Cards,
Temporary Stay Certificates/domicile certificates, health service cards/health
insurance, SKCK management cover letters (police record certificates), land
management letters and other letters as an assessment of increasing employee work
The following is data on the realization of service administration costs based
on employee motivation factors for community services obtained from budgeting
service administration costs in the last one year, namely from January 2023 to
December 2023, within the scope of the Tanralili District Government, Maros
Regency. This is a measure to assess the success / performance of employees in
carrying out their main duties and functions in accordance with the provision of
work motivation in the Table below :
Table 4 Data on the Realization of Service Administration Costs Based on
Employee Motivation Factors within the Tanralili District Government in Maros
Regency in 2023 (in Rp.)
Source: Data Processed 2023
Information (Rp)
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
According to the table above, it can be concluded that over the course of one
year, the realization of administrative cost acquisition imposed on the community
receiving services fluctuated every month. In January 2023, the realization was Rp.
50,000, then increased in February to Rp. 70,000. From March to May, it increased
to Rp. 100,000, and a decrease occurred in June to Rp. 80,000. There was an in-
crease again in July, reaching Rp. 150,000, and continued to rise in August, reach-
ing Rp. 200,000. In September and October, there was a decrease to Rp. 50,000, in
November it reached Rp. 60,000, until December it experienced a decrease to Rp.
40,000. Motivation needs to be enhanced to avoid gaps in carrying out work activ-
ities. This indicates that each employee, in performing their main duties and func-
tions in providing services to the community, consistently receives motivation tai-
lored to the policies of the leaders, serving as encouragement to remain committed
to providing the best career service to the community, driving oneself to gain sup-
port in developing work achievements, and always doing things that stimulate cre-
ativity in carrying out good performance tasks. Therefore, motivating factors such
as physiological needs, security, social needs, recognition, and self-actualization
are crucial.
Results of interviews with informants, in this case, the Secretary of Tanralili
Subdistrict, Maros Regency, about how motivation is provided to support work ac-
tivities within the Tanralili Subdistrict, Maros Regency. Interviewed on July 7,
2023, he stated: "In my capacity as the Subdistrict Secretary within Tanralili Sub-
district, Maros Regency, from the perspective of public service, it has been carried
out in accordance with its main duties and functions. So, what underlies the success
of employee services is the need for very adequate work motivation, whether in
terms of facilities and infrastructure, award-giving, participating in training, and so
on, so that the harmonization between leaders and subordinates creates employee
The opinion of the informant above, according to the researcher's understand-
ing, is that the success of a service activity to the community is inseparable from
the leadership's policy that understands the importance of motivational elements to
support, encourage, and stimulate employees to develop their potential from within
and outside the employees themselves to carry out their main duties and functions
by developing the best work achievements. This is supported by the theory of
"achievement" proposed by McClelland in Handoko (2005:159), stating that every
human being has the potential for achievement within them, so motivation is cru-
cial. This means that the view on providing work motivation to every employee in
an institution is essentially an effort to encourage, support, and stimulate each em-
ployee to carry out their main duties and functions well to produce outstanding work
results. Therefore, the forms of motivation desired by employees are inseparable
from meeting basic needs or meeting the hierarchy of employee needs, starting from
the lowest needs, such as meeting physiological needs, security, social needs, recog-
nition, up to the highest needs, which is self-actualization.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
Work Motivation Factors for Employees within the Tanralili District
Government, Maros Regency.
Fulfillment of physiological needs
Meeting physiological needs that are commonly applied in an organization in
the form of motivation to recover fatigue and fatigue from work activities, and
meeting the needs of increasing income and welfare. Usually manifested in the form
of providing food, beverages, providing incentives and health insurance during
service activities. Food and beverage needs are usually provided on a daily basis,
providing incentives adjusted to the level of work involvement.
Physiological needs as a factor in employee work motivation are essentially
reflected in the fulfillment of monthly salary needs used by employees to meet the
needs of eating, drinking, as an incentive for work outside of salary and get health
insurance. The following secondary data on the acquisition of physiological needs
calculated in rupiah based on employee position in the Table below:
Table 5. Data of Physiological Needs Fulfillment in the Form of Position
Allowance (Rp.) per Month
Amaunt (Rp)
PPh 15%
Amount Received
Sekretaris Camat
. 459.000
Kepala Seksi
Source: Data Processed, 2023.
Based on the table above, it is known that the provision of job honor is dif-
ferentiated based on positions, including the Sub-District Chief (Camat) with an
allowance of Rp. 1,250,000, Secretary of the Sub-District Chief with Rp. 980,000,
and Allowance for Village Heads and Section Heads amounting to Rp. 540,000.
This reflects the fulfillment of the physiological needs desired by employees in
providing services to the community, including satisfying hunger, thirst, incentive
shortages, and maintaining optimal health guarantees in carrying out their duties.
The specific allocation of honor/incentives is perceived by employees as motivation
to work and improve income/well-being. In addition, employees, while performing
their duties, require amenities such as readily available drinking water and various
beverages to avoid dehydration during their routine service provision (Lambe &
Tandi, 2021). Furthermore, employees aim to fulfill their physiological needs, in-
cluding income levels and family well-being, with incentives aiding in overcoming
financial difficulties. This illustrates that employees, fundamentally, work to fulfill
their psychological needs, and these needs motivate them to improve their work
motivation through the provision of allowances (A. D. Sipi & Tandi, 2021)(L.
Anggraini et al., 2014; Ramadhani et al., 2014; Satria & Bobby, 2018; Savitri et al.,
2015; A. D. S. Sipi & Tandi, 2021).
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
Employees, in providing public services, desire a neat appearance with attire
that adds credibility to the service profession. The provision of work incentives,
such as work attire, influences employees' motivation to provide the best service to
the community. Uniforms boost employees' confidence, contributing to optimal ser-
vice delivery. Beyond the regulated basic salary outlined in the Civil Service Law
Number 43 of 1999, employees also require incentives as additional income to en-
hance their well-being and meet the needs of their families directly impacting their
work motivation. In summary, the provision of work motivation by employees in
meeting income and well-being needs, through the allocation of work allowances,
covering meal and beverage allowances, work attire procurement costs, incentives,
and occupational health service guarantees, significantly influences employee work
An interview with an informant, a staff member of the Secretary of the Tan-
ralili Sub-District, Maros Regency, was conducted on July 7, 2023, regarding how
the provision of physiological needs motivation supports work activities within the
Tanralili Sub-District. The informant stated, "I strongly agree because these needs
are the right of every individual/employee for the improvement of work quality.
Therefore, with this motivation, good performance can be achieved by the em-
ployee himself." This opinion emphasizes that every individual, as a human being,
desires the fulfillment of their physiological needs, especially those related to phys-
iological requirements (food, beverages, incentives, and health guarantees). This is
intended to enhance the quality of work, enabling employees to carry out their daily
work activities optimally, demonstrating good work performance, leaving no rea-
son for an employee not to give their best for the organization in achieving its tar-
gets and objectives. This is supported by the theory of "Basic Needs" introduced by
Filipop Wales, as cited in Mahendra (2005), which emphasizes the psychological
needs to maintain basic survival activities. This correlates with Maslow's hierarchy
of needs theory introduced by Handoko (2005), where one of the aspects is the
theory of fulfilling psychological needs.
Meeting the Need for Security
Work dynamics that increasingly demand excellent service for administrative
service activities at the sub-district office, employees within the Tanralili District
Government of Maros Regency strive to meet these demands by continuing to
improve service delivery to achieve optimal work realization, especially the
realization of achieving service targets that increase in accordance with the number
of people served. Therefore, without ignoring the work risks, every employee wants
to be met with the demands of security needs, a sense of security at work, especially
avoiding the risk of using work tools, the risk of the availability of standard work
equipment, the availability of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) guarantees to
anticipate accidents / excidences and injuries, providing certainty of uninterrupted
work guarantees and away from noise in carrying out activities work. Efforts to
minimize work risk are something needed by employees to remain comfortable in
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
carrying out their main duties and functions so that they can obtain maximum
results, for that it is necessary to need security and a sense of security in increasing
work motivation.
The following inventory of tools, work equipment and other facilities to
realize the fulfillment of motivational needs in providing work services is shown in
the following table:
Table 6. Employee Work Inventory Data within the Tanralili District
Government, Maros Regency in 2023
Kebutuhan Sosial
Motivasi Kebutuhan Sosial
35 bh
Lemari Arsip
10 bh
Filling Cabinet
6 bh
3 bh
TV 17”inchi
2 bh
Mesin Ketik
2 bh
Kamera Digital
2 bh
3 bh
Mesin Rumput Gendong
3 bh
Aksesoris Gbr Kantor
2 bh
2 bh
Air Conditioning
1 bh
Tabung Gas + kompor
1 bh
Kipas Angin
2 bh
5 Unit
Kursi Tamu
2 Set
1 Unit
Kursi Rapat
70 bh
Alat Pembersih Ruangan
5 Set
Sumber : Data Diolah, 2023
Data regarding work inventory, such as tools, work equipment, and other fa-
cilities, are tools used by employees in providing services to the public. These tools
and equipment are utilized to facilitate, streamline, and expedite the procedural
mechanisms of services. It is essential to maintain them to avoid risks and job dis-
ruptions that could compromise the sense of security at work, leading to work-re-
lated stress, fatigue, exhaustion, and psychological and psychic disturbances for
employees performing their core duties and functions to provide the best services
to the community. Based on this, employees request assurance of a safe working
environment as a manifestation of fulfilling the increased work motivation due to
the establishment of security at work from the risks of disruptions and damages to
tools and work equipment. The tangible reality experienced by employees in deliv-
ering services to the public is the frequent occurrence of work-related risks that
disturb employees in performing their core duties and functions. These risks typi-
cally involve the level of damage to tools, equipment, automated work tools, or
transportation vehicles.
The results of an interview with an informant, the Head of the Public Order
and Safety Section, regarding how the provision of motivation for security and a
sense of safety (safety and security needs) supports work activities within the Tan-
ralili Sub-District of Maros Regency were obtained on July 8, 2023. The informant
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
stated, "In carrying out our duties and functions to be done well and maximally, in
order to maintain security and a sense of safety, it needs to be supported by facilities
and infrastructure, such as facilities for personnel of the Public Order Police unit,
including support for two-wheeled vehicles, communication tools, and other needed
facilities." Analyzing the informant's statement, according to the researcher, the
provision of work motivation in the form of fulfilling the need for a sense of safety
for employees in performing their core duties and functions needs to enhance mo-
tivation provision. Various work-related obstacles, disruptions, or risks, whether
direct or indirect, intentional or unintentional, sometimes create a feeling of inse-
curity for employees at work. For instance, if employees experience work disturb-
ances or risks resulting in physical, mental, and psychological injuries in their daily
activities. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the use of tools, equipment, and
work automation is safe in operation to boost employee work motivation. The the-
ory supporting the importance of fulfilling a sense of safety at work to enhance
employee work motivation is the "feasibility" theory introduced by Thuram, as cited
in Margono (2005:29), stating that every assurance of safety at work, if the elements
determining a work implementation are suitable for use, is crucial.
Fulfillment of Social Needs
Employees, as social beings and part of the Tanralili Sub-District Govern-
ment Department in Maros Regency, require the fulfillment of social needs to en-
hance their work motivation in providing services to the community. The desired
form of fulfilling social needs to boost work motivation for providing the best ser-
vices to the community includes creating harmony among employees through var-
ious levels of social interaction, fostering solid teamwork in developing work im-
plementation, establishing effective communication in various social interactions
to perform core duties and functions effectively, and consistently cultivating a high
level of work solidarity.
Secondary data supporting the fulfillment of social needs to enhance em-
ployee work motivation in providing services to the community, as implemented
by the Tanralili Sub-District Government Department in Maros Regency, includes
efforts to create work harmony through consolidation meetings, coordination, meet-
ings, and seminars discussing organizational and employee development.
Motivation for social needs applied to employees for work harmony is imple-
mented through consolidation meetings, coordination, meetings, and seminars. Co-
operation is carried out through individual, teamwork, and collectivity efforts con-
ducted daily, twice a week, and three times a month. Communication is a procedural
mechanism and administrative prerequisite for services, while work solidarity is
expressed through togetherness, integrity, and orientation, performed daily. The ap-
plied work harmony includes consolidation meetings between leaders and subordi-
nates, coordination, meetings, and seminars conducted an average of 12 times in a
year. Cooperation between individuals, teamwork, and collectivity is done once a
week. Communication, as part of fulfilling work motivation needs, is carried out
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
daily and is related to communication in work mechanisms, procedures, and admin-
istrative service requirements. This indicates that the evolving dynamics of employ-
ees in the Tanralili Sub-District Government Department are dynamic, where each
employee is required to have social interactions to motivate them in enhancing work
motivation. Commonly applied forms of social interaction include proactive work
communication, harmonious collaboration among employees, continual develop-
ment of mutual assistance attitudes in completing tasks, and actions of mutual re-
spect (greetings) that directly influence employee work motivation. The existence
of social interaction based on proactive communication actions will have a positive
impact on accessing information and data relevant to the development of an organ-
ization. Work motivation in social interaction, such as mutual assistance actions,
will influence employee work motivation. Similarly, providing work motivation in
social interaction changes the development of behaviors of mutual respect. To
maintain social interaction, understanding and awareness of the importance of mu-
tual respect among employees within the Tanralili Sub-District Government De-
partment are needed. Forms of mutual respect can be reflected in habits of greetings
or actions that honor or regard older employees as a form of respect. Forms of mo-
tivational social interaction that mutually respect each other influence employee
work motivation.
The above descriptions explain that motivation in work interaction has an im-
pact on employee work motivation, where social interactions developed by employ-
ees are adjusted based on the level of communication, cooperation, mutual assis-
tance, and mutual respect to achieve organizational goals based on tangible forms
of work motivation produced by employees.
The results of an interview with an informant, the Head of the Social Welfare
Section, regarding the provision of motivation for social needs in supporting work
activities within the Tanralili Sub-District of Maros Regency, were obtained on July
9, 2023. The informant stated, "Motivation for social needs in supporting work ac-
tivities is the necessity of good cooperation, mutual support in carrying out work
activities, avoiding blaming each other, and being patient in socializing with col-
leagues both inside and outside the office or avoiding the AIDS disease (Arrogance,
Envy, Grudge, and Sentiment)." The informant's response to fulfilling social needs
to enhance work motivation, from the researcher's perspective, is something that
needs to be encouraged by leaders, heads of departments, sections, and work units
both individually, as work units, teamwork, and work collectives to develop social
interactions as a fulfillment of work motivation needs that require the implementa-
tion of harmonious work activities, integrated cooperation, the development of ef-
fective communication in the implementation of work mechanisms and administra-
tive service requirements, and the cultivation of solidarity in togetherness, integra-
tion, and goal orientation.
Based on the above description, supported by the "Partner" theory, introduced
by Harzet William in Santoso (2005), which states that the highest assessment of
social interaction is the realization of a partner. A partner in human resource
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
development is a combination of work communication activities, cooperation, mu-
tual assistance, and mutual respect to achieve organizational goals. This theory is
related to Maslow's theory in Handoko (2005) regarding social needs. It is stated
that every human need requires social interaction, also known as bilateral relation-
ships, to develop interests, goals, and collaborative actions and work solidarity to
achieve common goals.
Meeting Award Needs
Every employee in carrying out his work activities in accordance with his
main duties and functions requires a motivation from outside the employee,
including in this case every employee needs a form of motivation in the form of
appreciation, both in the form of praise and recognition which is an appreciation of
the appreciation of activities, creativity, work results and morale in achieving a goal
of service activities carried out by employees so that fulfilled realization of the set
The following data shows that the awarding motivation has been applied to
the Tanralili District Government Scope, Maros Regency. The form of motivation
for giving awards given to employees in 2023, according to the table as follows :
Table 7. Data on the Form of Motivation for Appreciation to Employees within
the Tanralili District Government Scope, Maros Regency in 2023
Jumlah (Orang)
- Individu
Pegawai Teladan
- Unit kerja
- Kenaikan
Naik Pangkat
- Sertifikat
Diklat Struktural
- Lencana
Sumber: Data Diolah, 2023
The table above shows that the form of reward motivation for employees in
the Tanralili Sub-District Government Department in Maros Regency consists of
praise and recognition. Praise is given to individual employees, with one employee
recognized as an exemplary employee, and praise for the work unit is given to one
person who has developed the potential of the work unit in providing the best ser-
vice to the community. Promotion for employees is granted to four individuals who
have qualifications for structural and functional rank promotions. Furthermore, the
provision of work motivation in the form of recognition is manifested in certificates,
badges, and pins. One employee receives a certificate for completing structural
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
training. This indicates that every organization strives to provide work motivation
to each employee, both individually and collectively, to determine work motivation.
The enhancement of work motivation can be achieved through promotion activities.
Job promotion is the highest form of assessment of attitudes and work behavior
appreciated by employees through recognition. Forms of job promotion that em-
ployees can receive are developed based on the level of appreciation for the promo-
tion received, whether in the form of praise, rank promotion, awards, and job mu-
tation to a better workplace. The provision of job promotion motivates employees
in the Tanralili Sub-District Government Department in Maros. Developing a job
award that an employee receives essentially represents praise, as every person de-
velops their actions requiring recognition/praise. Recognition becomes a motiva-
tion for them to always perform their core duties and functions optimally to receive
appreciation, whether from leaders, peers, or others who acknowledge their pres-
ence and contribute to career advancement through job promotions, experiencing a
promotion in the form of praise/recognition is a motivational factor that influences
employee work motivation.
The results of an interview with an informant, the Head of the Governance
Section, regarding the provision of motivation for the need for recognition (esteem
needs) to support work activities within the Tanralili Sub-District of Maros Re-
gency, were obtained on July 10, 2023. The informant stated, "As the Head of the
Governance Section in Tanralili Sub-District, Maros Regency, in carrying out my
duties and functions, I always provide motivation and enthusiasm and recognition
to every staff member so that they can consistently carry out their tasks and provide
services to the community, especially in delivering services to the community." The
opinion expressed by the informant above, according to the researcher's assessment,
is a high appreciation for acknowledging employees for performing their core duties
and functions well, especially in providing services to the community. With recog-
nition in the form of praise and acknowledgment, employees will be motivated to
continuously challenge themselves and receive external encouragement to continu-
ally provide the best administrative services to the community, which is inseparable
from the improvement of work motivation (Pride Lambe & Tandi, 2021). This de-
scription is supported by the "Position" theory proposed by Tonra in Nasrullah
(2006), stating that success in achieving a position is due to the importance of the
"position." This position motivates individuals to receive the expected recognition
(esteem). Additionally, the theory introduced by Maslow in Handoko (2005) also
states that every human needs recognition to ensure the realization of motivation
for progress and development in facing the dynamics of life.
Fulfillment of Self-Actualization Needs
Providing self-actualization needs in increasing employee motivation is one
of the efforts applied by an agency in encouraging, supporting and stimulating
employees to always achieve success in carrying out their main duties and functions
properly. The form of self-actualization needs in increasing employee work
motivation, especially within the scope of the Tanralili District Government of
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
Maros Regency, is applied in the form of providing competencies, opportunities to
follow higher education levels, improving work skills, developing work experience,
and mastering technology. Forms of self-actualization developed by employees are
principally to provide work motivation to employees in the face of work dynamics
that always require employees to be able to actualize themselves at work.
Within the scope of the Tanralili District Government of Maros Regency,
various ways and efforts have been implemented to improve employee
performance. Efforts to improve employee performance are given in the form of
self-actualization motivation in the form of efforts to improve education, improve
skills and debriefing in mastering technology used in supporting daily work
activities related to work units in each field / staff according to their respective
functions (Palayukan &; Tandi, 2023). The following data supports employee self-
actualization in increasing work motivation in the form of increasing education,
skills, and mastery of technology as follows:
Table 8. Data on the form of employee self-actualization motivation within the
scope of the government of Tanralili District, Maros Regency in 2023
Motivasi Penghargaan
Jumlah (Orang)
- Izin belajar
- Diklat PIMIV
Penguasaan Teknologi
- Komputer/Laptop
- Telepon
- Printer
- Kamera
Source: Data Processed 2023
The table above indicates that every employee in an institution needs self-
actualization as a form of the required motivation to carry out their core duties and
functions, especially in providing administrative services to the community (Darlin
et al., 2021) . Thus, each employee requires self-actualization by obtaining promo-
tions in structural and functional positions, educational opportunities to higher lev-
els through study permits, skill enhancement through structural, functional, and
technical training, as well as the development of technological proficiency through
various technology applications offered to employees according to the needs of
their work units (Tandi, 2021).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2024
The results of the interview with the informant, in this case, the Head of the
Economic and Development Section, regarding the provision of motivation for self-
actualization needs to support work activities within the Tanralili Sub-District of
Maros Regency, were obtained on July 12, 2023. The informant stated, "As the
Head of the Econ and Development Section, I try to propose several considerations
to the leadership in providing work motivation to employees, including encourag-
ing them to pursue higher education at the undergraduate (S1) and postgraduate
(S2) levels through study permits/educational leave; attending structural training;
participating in relevant training according to their duties and functions, and paying
attention to the welfare of employees."
The informant's opinion above, according to the researcher's analysis, indi-
cates that an institution requires employees with sufficient or advanced capabilities
to perform their core duties and functions, supported by the provision of work mo-
tivation. Specifically, in providing motivation that has prospects and work-oriented
orientation, encouraging each employee to develop their self-actualization for the
sake of delivering excellent service. The manifestation of self-actualization moti-
vation commonly applied in the Tanralili Sub-District Government Department in
Maros is in the form of opportunities for employees to receive competency motiva-
tion through job promotions, self-development opportunities through education lev-
els, skills, and work experience, as well as in mastering technology.
The theory supporting the provision of work motivation in the form of self-
actualization is the "Expectancy" theory proposed by Vroom in Handoko
(2005:421). It states that to actualize oneself well, every individual needs many
expectations as motivation to enhance their potential and self-development. The
manifestation of this potential and self-development includes providing compe-
tency, opportunities for further education, skills enhancement, work experience,
and mastery of technology required to increase employee work motivation. Refer-
ring to the descriptive research, the description of work motivation consisting of
self-actualization needs, recognition, social needs, safety, and physiological needs,
as shown from the interview results with the informant, the researcher's opinion on
the informant's response, and the supporting theory, leads to a limitation related to
the provision of work motivation for employees in the Tanralili Sub-District Gov-
ernment Department in Maros in providing services to the community, distinguish-
ing three different needs fulfillment:
1. For policymakers, in this case, leaders and heads of departments generally
require the provision of work motivation in the form of self-actualization
and recognition needs.
2. For policy controllers, in this case, sub-departments and subsections gener-
ally require the provision of work motivation in the form of social needs and
safety in the workplace.
3. For policy implementers, in this case, staff generally require the provision
of work motivation in the form of physiological needs that can be directly
Asrin Tandi
Analysis of Employee Work Motivation In The Scope of Tanralili Sub-district Govern-
ment, Maros Regency
enjoyed, serving as motivation to restore energy, please the mind, and alle-
viate economic burdens.
These three prioritized limitations in providing work motivation to employees
in an institution will undoubtedly differ based on the working conditions and dy-
namics faced by an organization. The more an organization advances and develops,
the more demands for work motivation at the top level are eager to be fulfilled,
assuming that the demands for work motivation at the lower levels have been firmly
addressed by the organization.
Based on the analysis of employee work motivation factors within the scope
of the Tanralili Subdistrict in Maros Regency, several conclusions can be drawn.
First, employee work motivation is based on the achievement of work activities in
providing administrative services to the community. The provision of motivation
aims to encourage, support, and stimulate employees to perform their duties well,
resulting in improved performance. Second, the provision of motivation is
implemented based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Physiological needs are
met through mealtime and job allowance. The need for security is realized by
providing standard work facilities and safety assurances. Social needs are fulfilled
through the best service to the community and good relationships among
employees. The need for recognition is met by giving attention, acknowledgment,
and praise, including certificates of appreciation and timely promotions. Finally,
the need for self-actualization is realized by providing opportunities for potential
development, such as study leave, functional training, and skill development
through relevant technology within the work unit..
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